Monday, January 31, 2011

Bible Study Questions: Philippians 1:12-18

Living the Gospel: The Letter to the Philippians
Study 3 – Philippians 1:12-18

Verses 12-14

1. How can Paul say that what has happened to him (imprisonment) has helped to advance the gospel?

2. What does that tell you about:

(a) his priorities;

(b) his view of God?

3. Can we bring Paul’s perspective into our own experience of trials? Reflect on how Romans 8:28ff also helps in this.

Verses 13-18

4. Some people have been actively trying to cause trouble for Paul. What is his attitude towards them?

5. How is that kind of attitude cultivated?

6. Paul’s joy (v.18) is rooted in Jesus being made known. Share together how we can similarly rejoice.

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