Monday, January 31, 2011

Bible Study Questions: Philippians 1:12-18

Living the Gospel: The Letter to the Philippians
Study 3 – Philippians 1:12-18

Verses 12-14

1. How can Paul say that what has happened to him (imprisonment) has helped to advance the gospel?

2. What does that tell you about:

(a) his priorities;

(b) his view of God?

3. Can we bring Paul’s perspective into our own experience of trials? Reflect on how Romans 8:28ff also helps in this.

Verses 13-18

4. Some people have been actively trying to cause trouble for Paul. What is his attitude towards them?

5. How is that kind of attitude cultivated?

6. Paul’s joy (v.18) is rooted in Jesus being made known. Share together how we can similarly rejoice.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Bible Study Questions: Philippians 1:7-11

Living the Gospel: The Letter to the Philippians
Study 2 – Philippians 1:7-11

Verses 7,8
Paul clearly feels a deep affection for the Philippians. How do you think that came about?

In what ways can we similarly express towards one another “the affection of Christ Jesus”?

Verses 9-11

Paul tells them what he prays for in v.9. Why is it important to link “love” with “knowledge” and “depth of insight”?

Does that linkage help you to better understand what Biblical love consists in?

In verse 10, Paul explains why he prays as he does. Can you think of situations & contexts where we, too, need to be able to “discern what is best”?

If it isn’t possible to be sinless in this life, what might Paul mean by being “pure and blameless” (v.10)?

Paul writes in verse 11 of the hoped-for outcome of his prayers. Spend some time thinking together what a church that is “filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ” looks like.

What is the great motivation in v.11 towards holy living?

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Bible Study Questions: Philippians 1:1-6

Study 1 – Philippians 1:1-6

Verses 1,2
1. How would you describe your relationship with the Lord? What words come to mind?

2. Paul here describes himself and Timothy as 'slaves' of Jesus. What does that convey to you? How would that kind of reality become visible in our own lives?

3. Paul then describes the Philippians as 'saints' (people belonging to God). His use of the word is very different to our own culture! Reflect on what it means for you to belong to Jesus.

4. The letter is also addressed, unusually, to the overseers (elders) and deacons. Why might Paul choose to highlight them in his greeting?

Verses 3-6
5. Paul's prayers for the Philippians are full of thanksgiving, even though there are issues he will need to address in their life together. How can we ensure our own prayers for our brothers and sisters are similarly thankful?

6. The joy Paul feels is, in large measure, due to their partnership in sharing the good news of Jesus, "from the first day until now". How can we encourage such joy in our life together? What will it mean for us to be partners in God's purposes of rescue and mercy?

7. Despite issues present in the church at Philippi, Paul is confident about their future. On what is his confidence based? How might such confidence impact your own daily life and your prayers for the Lord's people and work? 

Monday, January 10, 2011

how politics works

...politics are reflective, not directive. That is, the political arena is the place where policies are made that reflect the values of our culture - the habits of heart and mind - that are being shaped by...other more strategic arenas. As the Scottish politician Andrew Fletcher said, "Let me write the songs of a nation; I don't care who writes its laws."

Tullian Tchividjian, Unfashionable, loc.1115

Friday, January 07, 2011

The Gospel Of The Lordship Of Jesus

The gospel is not about self-help, it's not a product for our internal aches and our cultural emptiness; the gospel is God's summons to surrender the sovereignty over ourselves that we as sinners have seized and to give it up and to bow before Christ and to follow him on his own terms.

David Wells, from a fascinating talk at the recent Lausanne Congress.

How to Stop a Family Quarrel

You have the potential to fall-out with your nephew, who you've been caring for as your own son since his father (your brother) died. How will you sort it? Pull rank, knowing that you both accept that your age and status are way above his? Remind him of everything you've done for him, so that he feels guilty? Use your greater life experience to either bully or manipulate him?

In Genesis 13, Abram does none of those. He and Lot are living within earshot of the Canaanites and Perizzites. And his herdsmen and Lot's are beginning to fall-out over the pasture arrangements. So Abram deals pro-actively with the issue by being prepared to sacrifice for the sake of peace (he offers Lot first choice of the land - and he chooses the best).

Quarrels within the family of God - and in earshot of those not yet Christians - are a bad thing. Abram shows the way - a Christ-like way, of course - to defuse the difficulty: a willing sacrifice, for the sake of peace and for the sake of the gospel.

Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Reading Bibles

I mentioned in an earlier post that the new year is a good opportunity to dust-down a different Bible translation for reading through the year. I highlighted the NRSV as my Bible of choice for this year.

Well, I've decided to be ruthless and switch back to daily reading of the TNIV. Not because I have anything against the NRSV (far from it) but, because I preach from the NIV, there are benefits from using a translation that has significant overlaps.

But in addition to the TNIV, I'll often refer to other translations, most often the NASB (for its heritage), the REB (for its literary beauty) and the NET (for its notes).

the chrome browser

In the past week or so I've gradually switched from using Firefox as my default web browser onto Google Chrome. I didn't really have an overwhelming reason to do so - I guess it was mostly experimentation. But, having switched, there are a number of things I like, such as the ability to have exactly the same installation on any device I use, without any set-up hassles. It also seems slightly quicker at times.

It has most of the extensions I valued on Firefox (Evernote, Readability, Instapaper). It also has some that are new to me and work really well - for example, I'm using the Cortex extension - a great way to share something to (in my case) Twitter or to save to Instapaper.

If you've not used it, you might like to give it a try.

Monday, January 03, 2011

leaders are always on

In a piece entitled Five Lessons from 2010 Worth Repeating — Without Repeating 2010, Rosabeth Moss Kanter makes the following point about leaders:

Forget privacy, especially if you're a leader. Leaders are always on...
It's a lesson all pastors need to also learn, however much we might wish it wasn't so.

Sunday, January 02, 2011

one of the best albums of 2010

imho, of course
hear it here.

Saturday, January 01, 2011

the best book i've read in 2011

OK, I started to read it in 2010 so maybe I can't quite claim to have read it in 2011...but this is a great read - for pastors, elders and anyone interested in its vital subject:

things new

New Year's Day is a good time for new things - like a new (different) Bible reading scheme and a new (different) Bible translation in which to read it.

So I'm having a go with Every Day In The Word, which goes through the whole Bible in one year, covering the Psalms twice. And I'm setting-off reading the NRSV.

We'll see how it goes.


There were fourteen generations recorded from Abraham to David, fourteen more from David to the exile and another fourteen from the exile to Jesus (Matthew 1:1-17). So, forty-two generations in all.

Revelation 13:5 speaks of the beast being given authority for 42 months. Which is, of course, three and a half years - and you might choose to write that as "time, times and half a time" (Rev. 12:14; Dan. 12:7). It might not then surprise you to find reference to three and a half days, somewhere along the line (Rev. 12:9,11).

Just saying, that's all.