Saturday, February 05, 2011

Bible Study Questions - Philippians 1:18b-26

Living the Gospel: The Letter to the Philippians
Study 4 – Philippians 1:18b-26

Verses 18b-20

1. Paul has rejoiced in the gospel being proclaimed (v.18a) and continues to rejoice (v.18b) in the prospect of his deliverance.

What might his being delivered involve for him (v.20)?

How should his example help us when faced with difficulties and suffering?

2. What factors does Paul see as being involved in his deliverance (v.19)?

Why might he have chosen to refer to the Holy Spirit as “the Spirit of Jesus Christ”?

Verses 21-26

3. How do we know Paul’s approach to his deliverance was not passive and fatalistic?

4. Paul sees life in this world as being lived for Christ, in the service of his people.

How can we make that our own approach?

What would it look like if we lived that way – our attitudes, actions and prayers?

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