Friday, May 08, 2009

the great songs (xxi) - summer of '69

For some, this is probably all the proof they need that a list like this is principally nostalgic - not because Summer of '69 looms large in my own musical history tour but because of its theme ('those were the best days of my life').

But it isn't nostalgia that brings us here. It's the energy, the feelgood mood and the up-the-volume-and-move-those-feet dynamic of one of Bryan Adams' signature songs.



The Masked Badger said...

Well, I wasn't born in '69, so I couldn't tell you about the summer. BUT this is a song of my youth too - as it pretty much expresses the whole male teenage zeitgeist from 1950 onwards.
Warm summer evenings, wanting to be in a band, standing on her mother's doorstep (they didn't have a porch) it's all there.
By the way, the b-side (this single was on the Youth Club jukebox, in the crypt....but that's another story) - was the (now slightly tragedy-tinged) 'Diana' - which was a great song too, from the Reckless period.

minternational said...

I'll have to check out 'Diana' - I presume it's a homage to Diana Doors, the famous actress?

The Masked Badger said...

ing Princess Diana, "What you doin' with a guy like him?!" ie Prince Charles

minternational said...

comment was sent to me on this post by Suki Jandu...

"Agreed! He also recalls buying his first 6 string (?) and for the musically hopeless such as I that is the dream. 'Run to You' is equally energetic mi thinks, but I would never admit to liking 'Everything I do' (what happened there Brian?!)"

Thanks, Suki. I'd love to be able to say I'd bought my first real 6-string too...Run To You was his first hit that I remember - was it '85? I have to admit to quite liking Everything I Do, mostly for the guitar work on it (I'm a man of simple tastes).