Thursday, May 14, 2009

the cross in the light of the old testament

Engaging with contemporary debates about the cross of Jesus, Chris Wright makes this very astute observation (emphasis mine):

Please bear with me, then, as we step back and think about the Old Testament for a moment. I shouldn't have to apologise for asking you to do that, but so few people seem to bother! It will take a little time, but it will really help us when we come back to the question of the human and divine aspects of the cross. You see, part of the problem with so many theories of the atonement through the centuries is that they try to explain the death of Christ in terms of other stories or worldviews where it does not really fit, while ignoring the one story in which it is actually set - the biblical story of God's dealings with Israel and of God's mission through Israel to bring salvation and blessing to the world.

(Chris Wright, The God I Don't Understand, p.145)

It would take a very long post to summarise how he then works this out in detail (which post this isn't). But his basic premise is worth pondering by all who have encountered the debate.


Doug P. Baker said...

Chris Wright is brilliant! I just got to spend a week in a study he led at OMSC in New Haven on the servant songs from Isaiah. Talk about a thrilling study! Isaiah has long been my favorite biblical author; I thought I knew the servant songs. Wright opened them with more clarity of focus than I knew was possible!

And this is precisely what he was telling us to do: step back and think about it all from OT perspective. That is easier said than done, except when you are being guided by Chris Wright.

I haven't yet read "The God I Don't Understand," but it is on my short list. I highly recommend Wright's "Knowing Jesus through the Old Testament."

minternational said...

Thanks for that, Doug. I've his big tome, The Mission Of God, to read sometime (it's huge!). Sounds like it will be a worthwhile journey.

Were there any recordings done when you heard him on Isaah?

Doug P. Baker said...

Hmm, I didn't notice any recording being made, but let me ask. I'll get back to you when I find out.

Doug P. Baker said...

Sorry to be so long in getting back.

No, I don't think that there were any recordings made of the seminars. Too bad!

minternational said...

No worries - and thanks for checking it out.