Wednesday, March 11, 2009

two new books

I know, this seems to go against what I blogged a few weeks back - I'd only buy a new book when I'd finished three old ones. But who's to say I haven't just finished six books that were already on my shelf? Prove me wrong if you can....

Anyway, I'm 'fessin up to the following new books and will try to write mini-reviews in due course.

Darkness is my only companion - Kathryn Greene-McCreight (subtitled: A Christian Response To Mental Illness)

The God I Don't Understand - Christopher J h Wright

Worth checking out, methinks.


The Masked Badger said...

I don't need proof. I KNOW you haven't finished three books.

minternational said...

Well, I've read the whole of The Old Man And The Sea and I'm nearly finished Darwin's Radio by Greg Bear (ebook on the iPod Touch) and I'm pretty much well on with Mary Oliver's latest book of poems, Red Bird - so does that count or not?

Mind you, both the Hemingway and the Oliver were bought during the past few weeks, so maybe they don't count after all.
