Friday, April 01, 2011

revival: some questions

In an earlier post, I mentioned a recent gathering to pray for revival. As always, such events leave me with questions in my mind about the subject. I'd be grateful for any interaction on them:

1. The basic premise seems to be 'the situation is so bad, we need God to act in revival; we can't do it on our own'. I want to ask: Do we need revival or do we need God? Are they the same thing? Is revival his only means of handling situations that seem desperate? If not, how do we guard against a 'revival or bust' mentality?

2. The scriptural basis for revival seems to hang largely, if not exclusively, on a selection of OT texts (from Psalms, Isaiah, Micah etc). How are we to view those requests for God to 'come down' in a post-incarnation, post-cross, post-resurrection, post-ascension and post-Pentecost world? Are there prayers for revival in the NT? What would such prayers look like with Jesus and his work firmly in view? How can we be Christo-centric in our prayers for revival?

3. Reprising my earlier post, how do we relate praying for revival with a longing for Jesus to return? Which ought to be the dominant desire in our hearts? Why don't we pray more for Jesus to return?

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