Thursday, March 31, 2011

the work is in God's hands

Matt Chandler was recently asked, How has fighting cancer changed your perspective as a leader? This was his reply:

It’s made me think a lot more about my mortality. For example, if I die and The Village Church falls apart, do I care? I’ll be honest, I don’t. When you look at history, God raises up certain men for certain seasons in certain places. He pours out his Spirit on them, and when they’re done, its very rare for God to continue the work that was done uniquely through them. If I die and The Village ends, I’m alright with that. If believers here find a place where the gospel is preached, and people are being saved, and the mission is being lived out, then I will not have failed.
Initially I put a lot of pressure on myself because in our culture there is the expectation that a ministry has to flourish even after you’re gone. That’s unfair, unhistoric, and maybe even unbiblical. Realizing that took a lot of pressure off of me. I had peace to just faithfully do what I’ve been doing here since day one, and then just let go and see what the Lord does with it.

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