Monday, March 14, 2011

Why Sin Matters (Mark McMinn)

(The most helpful books - no.1)

I first came across Mark McMinn when I got hold of what is itself a really helpful book, Integrative Psychotherapy, co-authored with Clark Campbell. It sent me looking for author things Mark has written and Why Sin Matters is top of that list for me (but you ought to also see his more specialist work, Sin and Grace in Christian Counselling).

Why Sin Matters is neither soft on sin, nor light on grace. It affirms the terrible problem that sin is, in all the fulness of its putrid infection, and it then shows the absolute sufficiency of God's grace to overcome sin. He makes helpful use of Rembrandt's work, 'The Return of the Prodigal' and writes with a disarming honesty (itself the fruit of grace).

Every pastor - indeed, every Christian - would benefit hugely from reading this.


The Masked Badger said...

Hmmm...I used to see this book:
and wonder if it would be useful. Maybe yours is a more up to date pastoral version....

The Masked Badger said...

Hmmm... Iused to see this book in the shop:
and winder if it would be useful. Maybe yours a is a newer pastoral version....

minternational said...

I think McMinn may be more pastoral, although I haven't seen Plantinga's work, only read the blurb.