Sunday, March 07, 2010

kindle: sample chapters

Avid readers of this blog (as distinct from aphid readers of this blog, of which there are swarms) will know that I do not have a Kindle, the Amazon ebook reader (again, please feel free to rectify my lack), but that I do have the freely-available PC and iPhone Kindle apps . You buy books in the same way and get to read them on your PC or on your iPhone.

Well, I thought you'd like to know that, most of the time, a sample chapter or so can be downloaded for free, to see if you'd like to buy the book. Yesterday, I downloaded about seven such chapters of books by Don Carson, William Willimon, Craig Blomberg and the likes.

So, my advice is pour yourself a coffee and settle down to read - think of it as a leisurely browse without the prospect of a shop assistant demanding to know if you intend to buy the book and, if not, please put it back on the shelf. And if you've creased the spine, you're paying for it.

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