Friday, April 03, 2009

the great songs (xv) - i want you to be my love

This song is deceptively simple and potentially inconsequential. It doesn't mean to deceive; it isn't a set-up or a falsification. But it will only really make its presence deeply felt in the light of what preceded it: the breaking-point marital tension of Ohio. You can read about the trauma here but you'll only feel it by listening (without company) to Ohio.

And then coming to I Want You To Be My Love becomes what it always was for its makers: fresh, vibrant satisfaction in the solidarity of tested love.

1 comment:

The Masked Badger said...

I read the article about them some time ago, and that definitely gives texture to this song.

I thought it was great, and is elevated above being just nice, because of the history. Rather than the usual modern tendency to look for the emotional impact that comes from a new relationship, they find it in realising that the existing one is still real and alive.