Wednesday, January 25, 2012

my first book has just been published!

OK, I'll admit that sounds rather grand, so I'll come clean and humble: it's a self-published book, available on Kindle only (don't forget, you only need a Kindle app, not a Kindle device, to buy it...) and it's only an experiment - to see how easy or otherwise it is to publish that way.

But in case you want to go ahead and buy it......

It's just some Bible study questions on Paul's letter to the Philippians - no Bible text included, just the questions. In 18 sessions. If you buy it and find it helpful, I'll be glad. If you buy it and find it rubbish, I'll refund you. If you don't buy it and simply laugh at me, I'll......retire.


Alan said...

I downloaded the sample. It gave me the table of contents and nothing more ! :-D

minternational said...

Yes, that's just how it goes with this one - I think Amazon give you 10% as a sample...I can send you the .doc file if you like.