Friday, November 11, 2011

learning from philip gould

A number of things struck me from Alistair Campbell's reflections on the death of his friend and Labour colleague, Philip Gould - for example, that focus groups were more about making sure lower/middle class views were not overlooked (and, so, were an expression of justice, not pragmatism). But it was this paragraph that most caught my eye, partly because it reflects some of the strengths that pastors need to display:

Like most meaningful activities, campaigns are team games. Philip was the ultimate team player and team builder; keeping spirits up; staying calm when others were falling out or falling apart; never losing sight of the big goals. Perhaps alone of the key New Labour figures, he made few, if any, enemies. He was a healer. Even in these past few weeks, he has been trying to heal some of the rifts and scars of the New Labour years.

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