Saturday, June 18, 2011

How long should a sermon be?

Length is the enemy of strength. The delivery of a discourse is like the boiling of an egg; it is remarkably easy to overdo it, and so to spoil it. You may physic a man till you make him ill, and preach to him till you make him wicked. From satisfaction to satiety there is but a single step; a wise preacher never wishes his hearer to pass it. Enough is as good as a feast, and better than too much....
The speaker's time should be measured out by wisdom. If he is destitute of discretion, and forgets the circumstances of his auditors, he will annoy them more than a little. In one house the pudding is burning, in another the child is needing its mother, in a third a servant is due in the family; the extra quarter of an hour's prosiness puts all out of order.
C H Spurgeon

(HT: David Murray)


The Masked Badger said...

Arr. Interesting though the fashion of preaching longer that has returned - eg Dever or Driscoll...
(I still aim for around 30mins)

minternational said...

Yes, I aim for that, too - but my aim has never been great.....