Saturday, July 31, 2010

the great albums (xi) - the pleasure principle

I can't say I expected this to figure on here, either, but recent listens have convinced me it ought to see the light of day.

Almost a concept album (Numan was virtually a concept per se), it took aspects of Kraftwerk and Bowie (to my ears, at least) and melded them into a pop approach that worked for a few short years. There was always more going on than people gave him credit for - but disaffection, isolation and fear hardly endear themselves to the populace.

The singing isn't accomplished, nor even all that pleasurable, but it didn't need to be. That wasn't the point.

And Cars is one of the all-time great songs - you know you agree.


The Masked Badger said...

OK I may not have given this the consistent listen it requires- it's been a patchy few weeks. So....

Well, I do think it needs more listens, and parts of it have started growing on me, but overall it doesn't feel like it's going to be a favourite album. Cars is very good. But overall it's a bit too sparse and bleak for me - and I am aware that's the whole point of Newman. But it leaves to cold and narrow a shape in my head.

That's not a criticism! Just it doesn't quite fit me, not at the moment anyhow.

minternational said...

You might want to try Replicas too (or instead) - more warmth and humour.