Thursday, July 15, 2010

the great albums (x) - pet sounds

It's a brilliantly sunny summer's day, with just the faintest breeze, cooling you enough to stay on the beach. All is relaxed and life is as good as you'd ever hoped it could be. But, slowly, and almost without being noticed, the clouds begin to gather, away on the horizon and slowly invade what was unbroken blue above you. The faint breeze strengthens and the clouds darken; the threat of rain is not empty words. And you know that life will never be so simple again.

The Beach Boys' Pet Sounds is everything you ever heard it was. And probably more.


The Masked Badger said...

Hmmmmm....I don't know what to say are some random thoughts:
Why is it the most significant album in the history of the universe?
It's kind of like the BeachBoys I'm familiar with after a really bad midlife crisis.
You'll be glad to know that whilst my first hearing left me thinking "If that had been their first album they would never have got a contract", repeated listens are starting to make sense; and I suspect listening through laptop speakers isn't helping as it seems like it's been produced with a distant, echoey sound - so on the laptop it sounds like it's in a steel bucket.'s not my favourite at the moment, but I'll try to give it some more goes.

minternational said...

Ah, the tinny laptop speakers - no wonder you never liked the Yoko stuff I posted, let along the Beach Boys! Actually, on decent hi-fi (or with headphones via laptop) you'll just love the harmonies and you'll really 'get' it.

Thing is, in terms of greatness, it's a child of its time - seen in that light, with a degree of historical context, it shines very brightly.

The Masked Badger said...

well if I can find my 3.5 to3.5 jack lead, I intend to connect my laptop to my stereo digital socket and listen to Spotify through the big speakers...if I can find it...