Monday, May 24, 2010

bartimaeus as exemplar

Mark's gospel regularly handles the issues of discipleship - what it means to follow Jesus, truly and faithfully. And the disciples regularly get it wrong.

At the close of a lengthy section in his gospel, Mark presents us with the account of the healing of Bartimaeus. Physical blindness has already been used in this gospel as a pointer towards the spiritual myopeia of the 12. And now, it seems, Bartimaeus is held up as an exemplar of the kind of faith disciples ought to display:

he asks (cf. 9:28f - the disciples seem not to have been prayerful)
he asks for mercy (cf. 10:37 - James & John seek honour)
he persists
he has the highest view of Jesus ('Son of David')
his focus is on his fundamental need (he needs his sight; the disciples look for greatness - 9:34)
he honours God's power to do the hardest thing (his sight)
he follows Jesus on the way, the way that leads to a cross (cf. 10:32, the disciples' astonishment on the way)

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