Friday, January 15, 2010

matthew 18 - a change of subject?

In Matthew 18, Jesus speaks of the need for humility (vv.1-5), the need to protect the vulnerable (vv.6-9) and the need to seek, to restore, the erring sheep (vv.10-14). Then he starts speaking about dealing with sin in the church (vv.15-20) and the importance of a forgiving spirit (vv.21-35) - a complete change of subject? A random gathering of teachings that Matthew had to include somewhere but wasn't too sure where to put them?

Sin matters. Those most vulnerable to the sins of others matter. It has to be handled. But that demands humility. And it demands a real concern to win over, to restore, the guilty. And that can only be done by those who are conscious of grace received.

Seems like Matthew knows how to put a gospel together.

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