Monday, February 23, 2009

the great songs (viii) - a man is in love

For years, all I knew of The Waterboys was the monumental Whole Of The Moon and that they employed a big music sound.

Things move on. People change. They grow. So here is A Man Is In Love from their album, Room To Roam.

A delightful song, showcasing how great Irish folk music can be but, more than anything, I'm posting this one as a very, very fine example of that overlooked yet necessary genre: the love song.

Here is writing that displays great craft and music of joy and vibrancy. I don't think any more needs to be said.


The Masked Badger said...

Well, that's very pleasant. It hasn't made such a big impact on me as some others you have chosen, but it's enjoyable. The words are very folk-lyrical in having an overall device, so that was nice too.

minternational said...

Pleasant, indeed.