Saturday, December 31, 2011

the doctrine of creation and the state of the economy

Another article in today's Guardian ruminates on Why Britain Should Think About Doing Things The German Way, highlighting the decline in the UK of manufacturing. It struck me that the points it made chime nicely with a robust doctrine of creation. Here is its concluding paragraph:
At its best, the making of things is an all-absorbing activity. It seems odd to have so many people in Britain making things purely as a hobby, when we might be earning our living making high-quality modern products every bit as desirable in their own way as bright new BMWs. The truth is, a consumer or service economy will never make us happy. It is time to curb the shopping, and the environmental destruction this involves, and to rescue ourselves economically, and in terms of wellbeing, through more of us making intelligent, useful and profitable things contentedly and well. (Jonathan Glancey)

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