Sunday, August 21, 2011

Call no-one 'Father'

I suggest that what Jesus is saying is that we are never to adopt towards a fellow-man in the Church the attitude of dependence which a child has towards his father, nor are we to require others to be or become spiritually dependent upon us...Spiritual dependence is due to God our heavenly Father. He is our Creator, both physically and spiritually, and as creatures we utterly depend upon His grace. But we do not and must not depend on our fellow-creatures. Our desire, as preachers, is (like Paul) to 'present every man mature in Christ'. We long to see the members of our congregation grow up into independent, adult, spiritual maturity in Christ, looking to Him for the supply of all their needs, since it is 'in Christ' that God 'has blessed us...with every spiritual blessing'. We have no desire to keep our church members tied to our own apron strings and running round us like children round their mother. There are in every church some weak and feeble souls who love to fuss round the minister and are constantly seeking interviews with him to consult him about their spiritual problems. This should be resisted, and that strenuously. Gently, but firmly we should make it clear that God's purpose is that His children should look to him as their Father and not to men.

John Stott, The Preacher's Portrait, p.73f

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