Monday, May 09, 2011

A Grace Disguised

(The Best Books - no.5)

Some books seem good at the time but time then tells a different story; they recede in your estimation, not because of anything bad but because they maybe weren't so special after all. This one is a recent read for me but I'm confident it won't go the way of some others.

Jerry Sittser writes out of the most terrible tragedy and writes clearly and compellingly of the God of grace. It isn't sensationalised, nor is it sentimentalised. This is a book that offers real hope for sufferers and deep wisdom for pastors. He writes well, too, which is always a bonus. Some might wish he said more, and more quickly, about the Lord and his ways but that wouldn't be true to the experience of suffering.


The Masked Badger said...

Having just read on Amazon what this is a bout, I think I shall simply place my hand over my mouth and put it on my wishlist.

minternational said...
