Tuesday, November 09, 2010

the great albums (xv) - rumours

So, the last great album in my list - what a lot of fun this has been. There are so many others that ought to have been on here but Spotify isn't playing ball - Blood on the Tracks (Dylan); Blue (Joni Mitchell) and many Beatles albums, for example. Others are near misses - Plastic Ono Band (Lennon); Achtung, Baby (U2) spring to mind.

But I'm opting to include - for all the reasons given in the Spotify review - the all-time high-point for Fleetwood Mac. Some would even say that Rumours in the high-point of all AOR and I wouldn't take them to task if they did.

Full of tension and tunes, it deserves every accolade it ever received. It was in the album charts for years and crept up on me in late '84/early '85. Maybe it tails off towards the end but that would be entirely in keeping with all that it's handling.

Finally: enjoy!


The Masked Badger said...

Well, this one was a good one to finish with (I know you miss Yoko, but I'm glad you're going out on a high!).

I've heard some of these songs before, but never the album; and I think it will take more listens to get the singles to weave into their natural habitat.

Anyway, really good: I will be listening to it again, and I'll look out for it cheap when I'm out and about. Up til now Fleetwood Mac had been limited to one single ("Need your love") and then some memories of that big album in the 80s. This has expanded things a bit. Shame about the emotional upheaval that was going on at the time.

Thanks for this one!

PS finding it hard not to think of F1 racing during The Chain.

minternational said...

It's such a shame you never got to listen to Yoko...

Waiting with bated breath for your final offering!